Meeting documents

SCC Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee
Wednesday, 21st June, 2017 11.00 am

  • Meeting of Scrutiny for Policies, Adults and Health Committee, Wednesday 21st June 2017 11.00 am (Item 3.)

The Chairman will allow members of the public to ask a question or make a statement about any matter on the agenda for this meeting. These questions may be taken during the meeting, when the relevant agenda item is considered, at the Chairman’s discretion.  


There were three public questions.


Nigel Behan, Unite Union, asked the following question in relation to Item 3:


These Questions relate to the minutes of the Scrutiny meeting (29th March), Agenda Item 11, Minute 21.



a)         We support these conclusions (in Minute 21) – will they be rolled out (as Information, Advice and Guidance) to all Committees?

b)         At the 15th March Cabinet meeting a previously confidential document was shown in the presentation about Transformation Costs including Compensation Fund, Equal Terms Buy Out etc. We previously indicated that Equal Terms Buy Out was a very unique, particularly in pre-TUPE transfer stages – so would it have been understandable if Councillors had not been fully informed at the time?

c)         Were the other bidders fully informed about these Transformation Costs (Compensation Fund and Equal Terms Buy Out etc.) -which appear to only have been used by Dimensions UK Ltd?



When will the Dimensions Update (ex LDPS now Discovery) be included in the work programme? From reports received we believe it should be programmed for July this year?


The Director of Adult Social Services responded that, in terms of Transformation Costs, he believed that all of the facts were put before Scrutiny and Cabinet, including the confidential documents.  If councillors had any questions they had opportunity to raise it so he assumed that Councillors were fully aware and understood.  When submitting their tender document, Dimensions set out their transfer costs and buy out figures.  He suggested that Dimensions/Discovery needed at least six months operational time before sufficient information would be available to allow meaningful scrutiny to take place.


The Chairman also responded and said she would ensure that the lessons learnt were taken into account by the Committee, particularly with regard to understanding TUPE regulations.  The Committee agreed to consider question 2 as part of agenda item 9.


Henry Barnes and Campbell Main asked the following question:


  1. How many adults known to Somerset Partnerships Asperger Team were in receipt of post diagnostic support prior to team break up earlier this year?


  1.  How many young people with a diagnosis enter adulthood each year? How many of these are likely to need preventative input from social care?


  1.  How many qualified and competent social workers are available to support the experienced and well qualified social worker who transferred from the former Somerset Partnership Asperger Team but only works part time?


A written response to questions was requested and it was agreed to provide this.


Sean Cox asked the following question:


1).   Can we have a breakdown of the overall budget given to discovery for each year of the contract and what it is to be spent on?  This is to include all funding and one off payments.

2).   We believe there is a high staff turnover. Can you tell us how many staff have left since the contract has been awarded? What is the total amount of vacant posts? What is the staff to customer ratio? How many substantive members of staff, agency staff and relief staff are currently employed?

3).   Can you please provide a report that shows discoveries delivery against the KPIs?

4).   Are the current CQC service specifications being met by discovery, can you please detail what the standards are and the outturns on these?

5).   Has there been any change in the budget allocation since the contract was awarded, the contract was signed or the TUPE transfer?

6).   What are the current recruitment costs and agency costs?

7).   What has been the LD budget for the last 5 years and what has the expenditure been? How is the Council confident that this contract provides budgetary value for Somerset constituents?


The Director of Adult Social Services responded to question 4 and stated that the CQC inspects against national standards.  Inspection reports are then published and in the public domain.  He expected that the Learning Disability service will be inspected by the CQC in due course as part of a rolling programme.  He agreed to provide a written response to questions.


The Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care responded to say that he believed that it would be appropriate for the Committee to consider an update on the performance of the service at the 08 November meeting.